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How to Promote Your Blog to Instantly Increase Your Results
Once you’ve created an awesome new post, how do you best promote your blog to help others find you online? I’m about to share some of the awesome tips I’ve been using that have hugely helped get me noticed, and bring people like you to posts just like this one!
We’ll navigate a few of the best places online and cover how to increase the number of people who see your posts in their feed. I’ve also got an amazing ninja technique to help you get noticed faster than ever!
Email Your List
You’ve likely heard the old marketing adage that the money is in the list, and this is also true when you promote your blog. Don’t be afraid to send an email broadcast to your list each time a new blog post is published. Whether you’re emailing daily or weekly doesn’t matter, and neither does the size of your list when you get started.
Your followers will quickly understand what they’ll be receiving from you, and what the expected schedule is. Those who are upset by this may complain or unsubscribe, but that will only make your list stronger and more targeted!
When sending your email, keep it short. Your goal is to create curiosity, and have the reader visit the actual post to get the details. Just provide enough information to peak their interest and want to take action. If you give away too much right away, they’ll wonder why they should bother reading the post.
Make sure you include at least 1 link to your blog post. Don’t assume your readers know where to go, or make them have to copy and paste a link. The more steps or thinking required, the less likely anyone will take the action you want. A simple button or text link often works best.
Always end your email with a P.S. line that thanks them for downloading your freebie, supporting your cause, or whatever else your standard blog opt-in offers to subscribers. Include links to where they can go to download or visit the offer. This helps reinforce the high-value you’ve already provided them, and makes them more willing to receive even more.
Facebook Sharing
Facebook is still the #1 way to find and engage with your audience. It’s also the best place to promote your blog! Not only is this where the most people are, but it quickly adapts to give users what they want (whether they know it or not). Have you noticed that every time there’s a new social media platform that rises quickly, Facebook comes up with an update that features very similar functionality?
Need proof? Remember the rise of Periscope last year … now we have Facebook Live. Remember how SnapChat Stories became all the rage for home business owners … now we have Instagram Stories (owned by Facebook). The list goes on.
When you’re ready to promote your blog, you’ll want to start with Facebook. If you don’t already have a business/fan page in addition to your personal profile, stop what you’re doing and set one up right now! I don’t have the time to get into the details in this post, but it’s vital for your home business that you have one.
From your new blog post, use your sharing buttons to share it on your Facebook business/fan page. This serves a couple of purposes:
1. It embeds the link to your blog post in the Facebook post
2. It gives a visual indicator on your post that people are sharing it
The first share is the hardest to get on your blog posts, so by doing it yourself you remove some of that resistance for your audience. Be sure to include a call to action within your post, such as “share and tag someone if you got value”. Never leave your readers wondering what to do next.
After sharing your post, there are 3 important steps to complete before you move on:
1. Boost your post, targeting your existing fans
2. Share from your business/fan page to your personal profile
3. Share the post from your business/fan page into relevant groups you belong to
Each of these steps serves to increase the number of views and engagement you’ll receive, both within Facebook and on the blog post itself.
I have one last ninja Facebook tip used by the pros any time you have a video included in your post. Facebook loves video posts, but prefers native video (loaded directly to Facebook rather than linked from another service like YouTube). To capitalize on this, create a scheduled post on your business/fan page to go out in 2-3 hours into the future. This post should contain your blog video uploaded directly into the post, with a link back to your blog for more details.
Essential Social Media
We know not all of our fans or on Facebook, so you definitely need to reach them where they are to promote your blog like the pro you are. As before, each time we share to a new social medium we’ll use the share buttons from our blog post to show how popular our post already is!

Ensure you have created a new board for your blog posts within your Pinterest account. Pin the feature image for your blog post, and include an enticing statement like “Ninja blog promotion techniques to get you seen, repin if you get value”. Always make sure the pin is linking back to your post.

Tweet your new blog post to your followers on Twitter. Make sure to tag others who are mentioned in your post to increase views and engagement, and always ask for likes and retweets if they get value. For even more help, check out this amazing 2 hour FREE training on how to use Twitter to start getting leads for your business in only 20 minutes a day!

I know what you’re thinking … Google+? All you need to know is that it’s owned by Google (shocking, right?) and therefore will help your search engine rankings. Share from your blog post onto your profile and into any relevant groups. In case you’re new to Google+, instead of asking for shares and likes, you’ll ask people to “+1 if you get value”.

When sharing on Instagram, don’t bother posting direct links because there are no hyperlinks. Just mention your general blog URL and a few relevant hashtags. It’s best to point people to your profile where they can link directly to your blog. For more on using Instagram to build your home business, check out this amazing FREE training from my friend April.

Your LinkedIn sharing will be similar to Facebook, where you’ll share first to your profile and then share that to relevant groups. Just be sure to craft your message to match your audience of business professionals.
Secret Syndication Communities
The best way I have found for a new blogger to quickly start getting recognized is to find a syndication community. These are a huge help when you’re ready to promote your blog, or any individual posts.
What does this mean?
Part of the formula for Google to rank blog articles is based on the engagement within each post as well as the blog in general. Rather than just posting and promoting your blog, it helps dramatically if you are in a group of like-minded business builders who are willing to join forces and help each other.
These groups are often known as syndication communities. There are many Facebook groups that were created for this purpose in a whole host of niches. The key to a successful syndication community is tied to how active the community is, so keep that in mind when you’re searching for one to join. Likes, comments, and shares are always better than just a bunch of posts with no activity.
For example, one of the syndication communities I belong to is made up of everything from brand-new to seasoned bloggers. Everyone is in different home business, but we all work together to help promote each other’s blogs through likes, comments, and shares throughout social media. If you’re looking for an amazing community to help you find your fans quicker than you ever thought possible, click here and let’s get you set up!
Was this helpful for you? If so, please share it with a friend who you think would get value!
Be sure to comment below and let me know what blog promotion strategies you use that I’ve missed!
P.S. If you’d LOVE to start Your Own Blog with “Just 3 Clicks”, check THIS out!
Was this valuable for you? If so I’d really appreciate your comments below and shares on social media.
Here is a list of the resources mentioned in this post:
Instagram Training: Get Leads with Instagram – Watch as this marketer shows you how she’s raking in 5 to 10 leads a day on Instagram…right from the palm of her hand. CLICK HERE NOW FOR MORE
Twitter Training: Get 15 Leads Daily in 20 Min – This FREE webinar where the speaker UNLOADS tons of knowledge about raking in Twitter Leads 24/7. I don’t know why this is free, but it is. 🙂 CLICK HERE NOW TO WATCH

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P.S. If you’d LOVE to start Your Own Blog with “Just 3 Clicks”, watch this FREE video!
Was this valuable for you? If so I’d really appreciate your comments below and shares on social media.
Awesome tips for promoting my blog post. I love the ninja Facebook tip, will be implementing that soon.
Glad to help Demetri .. .that tip helped me dramatically when i began implementing it!
Awesome post Bruce!
What you laid out here is a great marketing blueprint where you can build your business with zero ad spend!
Dr. Lisa
Thanks Dr. Lisa! I found this info so important when just starting out
After you hit the publish button your work is just getting started. You have to get your stuff out there if you want people to read it and this list you just shared is a great way to do it. I would also like to add another place that is great to share your work is stumblupon. This has been a great source of traffic for me since I started promoting my blogs there. This is a good solid list, thanks for putting this together!
StumbleUpon is another great tip, thanks for sharing that Dereco!