10 awesome things to do when you’re stuck at home
With the rise of social distancing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many of us are stuck at home with our friends/family/roommates. As much as we love them, there comes a point when we’re looking for ways to make the most of our time spent at home.
Sure you could pass the time bingeing another Netflix series or scrolling through social media, but why not find that special thing that lights you up and create something that could change your life?
Here are 10 amazing ways to make the most of being stuck at home…
1. Take an Online Course
Now before you dismiss this idea for ressurecting painful memories of school-days past, I’m not talking about finishing your GED or collecting a new degree (though you can do that too if its your thing).
I’m talking about taking a course or 2 to learn something that’s always facinated you, or to brush up on your existing skills. My favourite platform is CreativeLive– they have hundreds of niche courses like Mobile Filmmaking, Fashion Design, Mastering Your People Skills, and Guitar Recording. They offer free courses every day, or you can purchase any course at ridiculously low prices.
2. Start a Blog/Vlog/Podcast
Not just for the stay-at-home-mom or digital nomad! Creating an online presence if often the first step in creating a viable business, and it’s easier than ever before. The hardest decision is what kind of presence to create. 3 of the most popular are blog, vlog or podcast. Each of them can accomplish exactly the ame outcome; the difference comes down to which medium you’d prefer to create: written, video and audio.
Starting a blog is as easy as following my free 4-part series. If you’d prefer a vlog, I’d defer to the “Vlog Boss”, Amy Landino (Schmittauer). And if podcasting if your thing look no further than “Greatness Guru”, Lewis Howes. PS. if you’ve already got an online presence, now is the perfect time to start batch producing content!
3. Take a Museum Virtual Tour
Just because you’re stuck at home doesn’t mean you can’t take in a little culture … even if that culture is in another country!
Some of the greatest museums in the world are offering virtual tours through Google’s Arts and Culture Collection, so you can take in sit in amazement without the lineups and that annoying guy who keeps standing in your way. Included in the collection at the British Museum (London), Guggenheim Museum (New York), Musée d’Orsay (Paris), Pergamon Museum (Berlin), Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam), and National Museum of Anthropology (Mexico City). Of special note, the Louvre (Paris) is not part of the Google collection, but it does offer virtual tours from its own website.
4. Become a Better Photographer/Videographer
Basic photography and videography are a great skill to have if you’re a traveller. I’m sure we’ve all had those trips where we get home and the pictures just “don’t do it justice”, or it’s another collection of the “same old shots”. Whether you’re picking up your first camera, or you’ve been shooting for years, being stuck at home is a great excuse to start improvising! You can start with something as simple as your smartphone and easily generate works of art.
There are lots of online courses and workshops dedicated to perfecting your craft, including some great ones from CreativeLive. But the bottom line is to learn the basics (such as composure, exposure, and aperture) and just start practicing. Before you know it you’ll have developed your own unique style and be creating pieces that will make your friends jealous.
5. Learn How To Invest
Prepare to hear the opposite of what many investing “professionals” are telling you. You’re about to find yourself in the middle of an amazing opportunity when it comes to the stock market. I will not profess to know when it’s going to happen, or which companies you should buy, but if you prepare yourself now you’ll be reaping dividends (literally) before the year is out.
Why am I so confident? The last time the markets crashed there was a bonanza for those who were ready and who were also able to remove their emotions from the process. Since then the markets hit unprecedented heights, making us look like geniuses (we’re not).
So how do you get started? Do NOT go to your local bank, broker, or mutual fund owner. Instead learn the basics, then find some companies or industries you’re familiar with. Comb through those companies and find the diamonds in the rough. For more details I highly recommend starting with Phil Town’s Rule 1 Investing.
6. Start a Home/Online Business
Since you’re stuck at home anyway, why not start a home business? Preferably one you can run online.
There are infinite options: from teaching something you love, to selling something you make, to network marketing, to freelancing … and everything in between! So how do you choose? Well, since you’ve got some time on your hands, why not do some research (more than just Googling).
Ask yourself these questions:
- What are some things I know that other’s would love to learn
- What do I enjoy making/baking/crafting that I could sell?
- What industries or types of products am I passionate about?
- What am I good at that I could do for others?
I have a great, free workbook that could help you narrow your focus and find that perfect niche. You can grab it here, but even without it the answers you list to the above questions will help get you started. Then all you need to do is create a teaching platform, or open an online store, or find a network marketing company that fits your passion, or set up a virtual assistant shop. By the time this self-isolation is over you’l be ready to conquer the world!
7. Learn a New Language
Who doesn’t dream of being fluent in more than 1 language? If you love ot travel, like I do, you’ll often find yourself in places where the native tongue is something other than what you’re used to. Since you’re stuck at home dreaming of those far-off lands, why not immerse yourself in their culture and start speaking their language!
There are many methods and courses for learning languages, but 3 of my favourites include Duolingo (a free app), Rocket Languages (Online Courses), and Babbel (CreativeLive Course & Online Platform).
8. Write a Book
Who hasn’t considered writing a book? These days getting a book written, published and sold is much simpler than you might expect.
Not everyone needs to write the next “Great American Novel”, or a “Masterpiece Memoire”. Whether you’d like to tell your story, or write about something your passionate about, you can have it done as quickly as this weekend. The 2 best resources I can give you are Writing Your Story by Joyce Maynard, and How To Write a Book This Weekend by Vic Johnson. They’ll help you pull out the best story you have to tell, and then transition from ideas to written pages in no time!
9. Create a Course
Do you have an idea for something you’d like to teach people, but aren’t pumped about how much time you’d need to spend teaching your students? Have no fear! An online course is something you can create once and sell over and over (and over). The best part is that you can tweak the course material whenever you’d like, and your students automatically have the latest version at their fingertips.
I’ve tried a few of the top-rated onine course platforms on the market and, for me, nothing beats Thinkific for their ease of use, intuitive interface, and simplicity for students. They also provide excellent instruction for how to build your course and present it in the best light possible.
10. Attend or Host a Webinar
Have you ever attended a webinar? You know, those live online trainings, usually lead by someone who has mastered some niche of the internet. Since you’re stuck at home anyway, why not take advantage of one (or a few) of these trainings to learn more about something you’re interested in.
Webinars are literally everywhere! You can find invitations in your email, on social media, or on most websites you visit. Just sign up, and start learning.
After you’ve attended a few webinars you may feell like it’s time to put that knowledge to use and HOST your own! There are a ton of formats, and one is sure to fit your style. Love the camera? Sit down and start teaching! Hate the camera? Bust out those slide-show skills and get presenting. Like to work with hour hands? Set up the camera and show off your talents. The best part is that you can start for free on YouTube, Facebook, or with Zoom. Once you hone your skills you can opt for one of those fancy webinar platforms.

There you have it: 10 awesome things to do when you’re stuck at home with your family. Which one is your favourite?
Now don’t worry … Netflix will still be there when you’re done, and we’ll all be out travelling the world very soon! But in the meantime you’ll have created something that could change your life. I can’t wait to see what you create!

Was this helpful for you? If so, please share it with a friend who you think would get value!
Be sure to comment below and let me know what you’re doing while you’re stuck at home!
P.S. If you’d LOVE to start Your Own Blog with “Just 3 Clicks”, check THIS out!
Was this valuable for you? If so I’d really appreciate your comments below and shares on social media.
Here is a list of the resources mentioned in this post:
Freedom Seeker’s Passport – A simple guide to defining what it is you truly want, understanding how to become an online attraction, and the steps needed to create a freedom lifestyle
CreativeLive – Master your craft, your passion, or something new with creative classes taught by the world’s best
Blogger’s Jumpstart Guide – Download my FREE guide outlining how to successfully start your own blog
If there’s anything good, that’s going to come out of our time spent living in the times of the dreaded C-word. Is what we have learned during it – in the sense of personal growth. This is a great list of ideas to remain productive and how to dive into continued learning.
You’re absolutely right Sarah! It’s a tough time, but we can take the opportunity to make the most of it
Thank you for this. I have been thinking about writing a book for a very long time. Maybe it is time to start now.
It’s the perfect time to start! Your audience wants to hear what you have to say
Aaaahhhhh…I love the idea of writing a book! I think I am ready for it now.
Ntensibe Edgar Michael recently posted…Eating tomorrow TODAY
You’re definitely ready!! Can’t wait to see what you write
These are all great ideas. I’ve been doing batch content production since this started. With no other distractions, I’ve made a lot of headway!
That’s amazing Brianne!! I’m sure your fans will be super pumped to get all that new material from you
This is such a great post. Everyone is joking about staying in and watching Netflix for the next three weeks, but I’ve been using this time to put things in place that will help me grow my blog.
I’ve seen that same jokes, Kathy … and I feel the same as you. This is a great opportunity to really push ourselves.
I’ve actually considered several of these things. Great ideas especially writing a book and improving photography skills. Maybe it is time to create an online course.
None of these things are as hard as they seem, so I can’t wait to see what you create Paula!
Such an amazing line of things to do at home, it’s very timely and very informative. I would love to do online selling, networking and freelancing. Thanks for sharing this to us.
You’re very welcome Gervin. I can’t wait to see what you create
Thank you for such wonderful suggestions. Well, I am writing a lot in my blog and in different websites. I liked the virtual museum tour suggestion, it will be good for my son too.
Yes, fun for the whole family! So glad to hear you’re spreading your great content around
The perfect post for what is going on right now, I am already doing an online course so my next thing to do is to start my YouTube channel. Thank you very much for your ideas!
Daniel Sierra recently posted…Why CTR & CRV Are The Key To Maximizing Your ROI On Facebook Ads
Thank you so much Daniel! I’m also on the path to setting up a new YouTube channel … see you there!
These are great ways to be productive. I think people always complain that they are too busy – so this is a great time to do otherwise!
Absolutely right Marysa! The biggest excuse is now gone 🙂
yay for starting a new blog!! i would love to write a book. i wonder how many authors will be inspired by the coronavirus for their next book?
That’s a great question! I can’t wait to see all of the amazing creations that come out of this situation.
So buzzing to do some museum tours tomorrow, great suggestion
Awesome, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Awesome Bruce!! That is such a good list for productive and profitable things to do at home. 🙂 I do several of those already. 🙂
We’re on the same wavelength Matt! Thanks so much!
I am definitely utilizing this time wisely by filming a lot of YouTube videos so I am backlogged for a few weeks!
That’s a perfect plan! I’m sure your fans will be super pumped.
I really want to do this podcast thing. I am learning how to do that.
Amazing! I can’t wait to see you launch that podcast
Being a author I tell you being stuck at home, alone even ideas run out of the window. But yes your other options are really good.
Thanks so much! Time to close those windows and keep the ideas for yourself 🙂
I am also taking an online course right now since I have some time off from work. Thank you for the list and I will check out the other things.
That’s so great! I hope you get a ton of useful info out of that course
Great article. When searching for an online course, people need to be really careful. Lots of scammers inside the industry. Enough about that…I started a blog just before the lockdown and I’ve had plenty of time to dedicate for it because of the COVID-19. So that’s a silver lining of this situation, terrible as it is otherwise. Keep up the good work!
Teemu recently posted…Best Guitar Stool with a Backrest in 2020 – Buyer’s Guide
Thanks so much Teemu! And you’re right about being careful about online course. That’s why I recommend super reputable platforms like CreativeLive
Interesting to-do list. I also had an interesting project these months “stuck at home”. I worked on renovating my photo-video studio.
That sounds like a great project Vasile! Can’t wait to see the outcome
Thank you for this. I have been thinking about writing a book for a very long time. Maybe it is time to start now.
Glad I could help Khan! Time to start writing 🙂
A great guide of using the free time in a productive way. I want to learn the music with my turntable instruments. This article give me a hope of learning. Thank you for sharing it.
You’re very welcome Juliya, I can’t wait to hear about what you learn
When I was stuck at home during the lockdown period, I started off by taking an online course. Now I’m a freelancer and soon will start running a blog.
thanks a lot for this. I learned a lot from it.
Rick@mgg recently posted…Best Guitar Room Humidifiers – Buyer’s Guide
You’re very welcome Rick! Sounds like you made the most of your lockdown; looking forward to see what you create!!